Read Gods Word in context!

**posts temporarily removed - will be back soon **Welcome to my : "this really isn't a blog is it? I named it tryreadNit..
All opinions on books, videos & links are my own and receive no compensation for any reviews.

So, how do we know if we are reading the Bible properly? If whenever your reading the Bible and it bothers you and troubles you and sometimes even makes you angry, chances are your beginning to understand it. Hang in there with reading it because the Bible is filled with amazing blessings but to get to them we must travel through some muddy waters.

I guess I began wondering if there were other Christians raised in the church who one day realized decades later that they never really read the Bible . They have no clue what it says. They only know what someone else told them it says.
A funny thing happens when you read Gods Word as it was meant to be read. In context from beginning to end. Cover to cover. You soon discover that what you were told doesn't square with what it actually says.

This blog chronicles my journey from when my eyes began to open since my first time thru the Bible. I examine how so many passages of scripture get twisted to fit someone's agenda. I talk a lot about "context." Quite often I sound critical and judgmental. This cannot be avoided. My goal is to promote discernment. My goal is to encourage others to research what the read and listen to . So many believers have no idea why they believe what they do.
The main idea of this blog is context. Read Gods Word as a book. Not rocket science. It will take some time. It wont happen over night. Comparing what we "thought" the Bible says to what it "actually" says can be frustrating but the blessing of understanding Gods Word in context is worth the effort.
Acts 17:11b

I recently purchased a chronological Bible that I truly love and I think it could help those who struggle reading the Bible .
(please click the image below to find out more)

Gods plan through the ages

This series is so good that I am giving it its own page here.

I am not one who likes sermon series too much but this is the best and easiest thing to help those who wonder what God said and did and will do.
This sermon series is for those who have no idea what the Bible is all about. This is a lot to listen too but for that rare individual that cares , this series will help.
How I wish more people could lose their current ideas of what they think the Bible is all about.
How I wish people could understand the role of Israel. 
When I think of how much we have to ignore in order to miss finding Truth in this culture  it staggers the mind.

I recently heard something to illustrate this. A volcano recently erupted in Hawaii and one of the residents said it was very intense and that it quote "came without warning."
I laughed when I heard that because for years and years he lived in the shadow of a volcano. He had a (literal) mountain of evidence but he chose to ignore it.
I suspect people who live along the san andreas fault will say the same thing.
Makes me think..what am I missing?
We all tend to ignore the clear signs around us. As time goes on we suppress more and more clear evidences of Truth until we suppress it out of existence.

God has given us countless examples of His plan for the ages. People need to go to extremes to miss it.

The series is called Gods plan thru through the ages.

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This says it all. - HE IS!

Have you been thinking lately , there's something missing? Discernmen...........t.[CLICK IMAGE]

Have you been thinking lately , there's something missing?  Discernmen...........t.[CLICK IMAGE]

If I can help somebody..

(CLICK IMAGE)..but I raised my hand to accept Jesus...(CLICK IMAGE)

(CLICK IMAGE)..but I raised my hand to accept Jesus...(CLICK IMAGE)

do we really get this???

Believe then receive

Believe then receive
Believe then receive

Matt 7:15 wolves in sheeps clothing (CLICK IMAGE)





slippery slope

Remember how, not that long ago, those who knew their Bible's, would say "that's a Slippery slope" concerning educational, political, religious or social issues. We may not be at the bottom but I wonder, how far are we from the top. The purpose of this blog is "context", which means -

->the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.��

Anything taken out of it, is a Slippery slope!

Slippery slope!? (click image)